Community based intervention for protection, promotion and support of breastfeeding

PSA in partnership with UNICEF in 2017 is implementing Community based IYCF intervention in Bossaso – Puntland, the project’s goal is to protect, promote and support breastfeeding In Bossaso city with target population of 448,009 IDPs and host communities at community level, the timeframe for the project is twelve (12) months.

Inthe month of December, we conducted awareness raising meetings in all the targeted locations topics used Complementary feeding from 6 up to 9 months, Optimal family planning promotes improved health andsurvival for both mother and child, When to bring your child to the health facility and How to Add Multiple Micronutrient Powders (MNPs) to Complementary Foods.

On counseling, we held (20) group counseling sessions (mother to mother support group) in MBAs, which reached and benefitted 236 persons (164 F &72 M) and on individual IYCF counseling for pregnant women and lactating mothers, 179 persons were counseled (49 mothers with infants 0 to 6 months of age, 46 mothers with children 7 to 24 months of age and 84 pregnant women). We also referred 34 children to SFP/OTP/MCH, 23 of them were less than 2 years.

Continued with home visits and also joined mothers at the MBAs, MCH and OTP centres, during the home visits, community based workers observedand monitor hygiene and sanitation situations in homes/families, we also assessed if there were malaria, measles, mal-nutrition and other cases that needed intervention.

In addition, we distributed baby gifts hampers, clothes, hygiene promotion kits and Simple toys, the materials were given to mothers that attended MBAs.

More so, organized promotion sessions, where we used portable wireless amplifier radios to reach many people as possible, during this session’s debates/discussion were attended by all the 204invited participants.

Additionally, we facilitated MUAC screening and made referrals to other centers including OTP, MCH and SFP.

Distributed Multi-micronutrient tables for 500 pregnant women and 389 lactating mothers supported for breastfeeding, also we distributed Multi-micronutrient powders sachets for children 6-24 months that reaches 620 children in all sites.

TV/radio talk shows were broadcasted, the messages reached extensive audience both directly and indirectly, the messages were on:  Multiple Micronutrient Powders (MNPs) that acts as complementary Foods, when and where to bring children to the health facility, personal hygiene (cleanliness) practices prevent disease.

We also, participated in nutrition coordination meeting held Bosaso and presented our views on the project’s achievements, challenges and way forward.

Also MOH, Dr. Abdirahman carried out field monitoring to ensure that the objective and goals of the IYCF project are achieved and attained, during these monitoring he actively participated the individual/group counseling, promotion sessions, home to home visits and MUAC screening sessions. He made some recommendations to do progress.

There was no major set-back apart from the vast sites that we have to cover within a day when we have activities.

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