In 2018, PSA in partnership with WFP is implementing drought recovery program – VFA project designed to allow households to meet basic food needs during this lean season, the project targets three villages of Karin, Ufayn sare & Tisjiic Villages in Bari region Somalia.
The project expected outcome is to create and produce assets required to cushion and save lives during the drought and other hardships including protecting livelihoods by strengthening and mainstreaming the traditional and local coping strategies in empowering households in the area to be food secure and their general well-being.
The implementation periods will be 6 months, from July – December 2018. The total numbers of households are 550 households; all of them are above 18 years of age.
PROJECT OBJECTIVES: to improve food security and nutrition situation of vulnerable households and to restore and maintain livelihood, and create additional community assets.
Between 13rd and 15th July 2018, we did mobilization and sensitization in each targeted village, where beneficiaries actively participated in it, we also involve and engage Villages committees, Farmers committees, elders and government representatives and local administration in the exercise; We stipulated to them in detail the selection process and the universal criteria that will be used to pick the beneficiaries of the project and we also educated them on how the program will be rolled out.
It was followed by visits to the respective villages and locations, where we held public forums and meetings, the village committees helped us in mobilizing the locals, where we used the meetings to convey to the residents of the respective villages about the project objectives, results and expectations. We also used the opportunity to inform them about the selection criteria, where we outlined to them that the most vulnerable members of the community were the priority.
Additionally, we informed them that after selection process the scope registration will follow. During the meeting, we also had a chance to constitute selection committees which comprised PSA, villages committee, Farmers committees, elders and local administration.
On 16 July 2018, PSA organized Community Consultation meetings in each targeted sites to discuss with the stakeholders how the selection process will be undertaken, for instance what parameters to use in defining who are the vulnerable, the programs outcome, expected results and necessity of working as team to achieve the targeted goals.
The selection of beneficiaries started on 19th – 20th July 2018, where we selected beneficiaries in three targeted locations in Bari region, we ensured 50% of the beneficiaries are Female.
Between 20-27 July 2018 we did scope registration in the three sites namely Karin, Ufayn sare & Tisjiic Villages in Bari region Somalia. Where 550 beneficiaries were registered in total