Most vulnerable and food insecure households live in delicate, resource-scarce and degraded environments, in areas that are prone to climate disasters and exposed to frequent shocks, major one being drought.
The PSA Food Assistance for Assets (FFA) programmes addresses immediate food needs through cash, voucher or food transfers, while at the same time it promotes the building or rehabilitation of assets that will improve long-term food security and resilience.
FFA activities aim to create healthier natural environments, reduce the risks and impact of climate shocks, increase food productivity, and strengthen resilience to natural disasters over time.
For the last six (6) years in partnership with WFP, we have implemented 5 livelihood and resilience projects, 2 projects on emergency (Wet feeding) in Bari region that improved agricultural production, livelihood and income opportunities, this has also imparted the residents with various skills that have uplifted their lives.
Through the projects, the communities in Puntland have managed to rehabilitate and build water canals, roads, flood protection walls, water catchment areas, shallow wells, Berkets, water tanks, it also include extension of farms/gardens, fodder growing , installation of solar panels and pumps.