As per FSNU 2018 and by joint multi-cluster needs assessment report, malnutrition cases are high in IDP settlements including Bosaso IDPs camp, in 7 out of 15 population groups surveyed they had critical prevalence of acute malnutrition (Global Acute Malnutrition-GAM ≥ 15%): this proves Bosaso IDPs camp needs urgent intervention in form of relief program to address the vulnerability and caseloads reported.
In addition, among the BosasoIDPs, majority of households are headed by women and many of them previously worked as garbage collectors within Bosaso municipality, but recently the local authority contracted a private company to do the job, this has rendered many women from IDPs camps jobless and redundant.
More so, as a result of economic hardships, many cases of GBV Violations have been on the rise, most women have been left alone to cater and provide for their families, which brings frictions between families, the wives feel their husbands are irresponsible and negligent because all responsibilities have been relegated to them and whenever they asked their husbands for support, this often result into physical assault and emotional abuse.
Furthermore, because of economic hardships and poverty, child labor is so common and widespread among the communities around IDPs, children do menial jobs in the surrounding towns in order to feed and fend for themselves and their families, this deprives them their childhood, and interferes with their ability to attend regular schooling, the main reason why intervention is needed is because if the IDPs families are assisted with food and other interventions, this will stop the children from being exploited and they will use their time to go to school and have a bright future be able to transform their families and society in general.