Capacity Building Training for Stakeholders on GBV- prevention and response

The training on GBV- prevention and response was organized and held by PSA in partnership with UNHCR and MOWDAFA was conducted on 31 March 2018.

It was attended by 25 participants (10 men and 15 women), which comprised GBV stakeholders, staff and local administration and line ministries namely MOWDAFA, MOJ, UNHCR, TASS, KAALO, MATOKAAL, PUNSAA, YESO, PHRD, Community policing, Police, Legal aid and PSA

Training design and Methodology

This course was developed by experienced trainers and it is based on training documents and experience which conform to Somalia context. Prior to the training, trainer consulted with UNHCR team to get a common accord on the contents.

Through the process, the trainers used the interactive/participatory teaching approaches rather than lecture to stimulate the learning environment more participatory and active. This approach includes role play, small group and plenary discussions, pair work and stress lease exercises

Objectives of the training

The training objective is to address gaps that exist as part of capacity building on GBV and the target groups for the training will be GBV case workers/managers from various organizations who are in charge of prevention and response to GBV interventions in both urban and rural areas

Training Process

The training process was described about introduction to participants, trainers, participants’ expectations, course content, and evaluation including pre‐ and post‐tests and training assessment.


There were 25 participants picked from various and organizations and agencies including line ministries around Garowe.

During the training period, participants showed sincerely and talked with their training mates and trainers. Additionally, participants jointly opened to each other by providing and receiving comments and feedback constructively. In summary, they were very interested in the training and participated in the training activities actively.

Course Contents

The training focused on GBV- prevention and response. After consultation with UNHCR, a one day training content were developed and delivered to meet the objective of the training



The facilitator was conducted by Mr. Abdihakim Ahmed Mohammed who is PSA’s programs coordinator and has wide experience on GBV programs.

Training Evaluation

Pre‐ and Post‐Test and Evaluation

Trainers conducted Pre‐ and Post‐test in form of questions to assess the knowledge of participants before and after the training.

After the training, participants we able to easily answer the questions related to the topic. It shows that all participants increased their knowledge on the subject.

Course Assessments

Course assessment was used to look for weakness and strength in order to improve the training quality for the next training.

Training content: is very importance to participants’ daily performance. Topics of sex & gender, concepts of gender-based violence & understanding consequences of GBV, case management & identifying responses, psychosocial needs of survivors, stress, introduction to the survivor-centered medical history, fill GBV forms- practical session and simple game (brainstorming) . For details, please see above training course content.

Trainer: the training methodology used by the trainer is conform to the standard of pedagogue, clear explanation with example, and case studies and group discussion to further support each topic which easy to understand, make attention and participation from all the trainees.

Participation of trainees: all trainees participated actively in the group discussion, giving opinion, feedback, and even energized games.

Training preparation: Everything was well organized (training hand‐out, snack, training material and training facility).


  • Trainees are more clearer about GBV response and related issues
  • Trainees have opportunity to talk and to share their idea and experience with classmates and trainers.
  • Group work during the day, home work and class work provoked strengthening of knowledge and co‐operation with the team. They were noticeably supportive and participatory. In order to clarify the participants’ understanding of each day, the trainers required each participant to review what they had learnt from the previous day.
  • All participants were present for full week training without absence. They actively listening to trainers and their classmates took notes, participated actively in group discussion and role play.
  • Participatory approach encouraged the participants to build good relation with classmates and trainers.
  • There is a good coordination, support and kind consideration from UNICEF toward participants and trainers.


 Conclusion and Recommendation

Through evaluation of the course and impressions of participants showed that the training course is responsive to the need of GBV stakeholders and it is very useful for their nature of work. The participants thanked UNHCR and the facilitators for a successful completion of the training workshop and reiterated that they will put into practice what they have learned diligently in their day to day lives.


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