Gendered Context Conflict Analysis (GCA) forum in Galkaiyo, On 7th August 2019, we conducted a comprehensive Gendered Conflict Analysis in Galkaiyo for Traditional Elders
The objective of the exercise was to understand fully the type of current conflicts between different segments of the communities in the area, the underlying issues to the conflict, identify the main conflict drivers and actors and build knowledge on past conflict resolution efforts, establish what has changed and the effects of changing dynamics on the conflict in the District.
The GCA also helped us to highlight issues and understand of the conflict situation from the gender lens which is critical for effective engagement that involves especially women and youth who are always marginalized on issues to do with conflict.
The GCA forums also helped us identify among other things, the key players and conflict actors in the local conflict, the changed dynamics from the past conflicts scenarios as surveyed in the past and main interest among the key players, this will help us come up with community priority needs as one way of fostering peace in the area.