The GBV prevention and response project focuses on combating gender based violence against women, girls, boys and men in all IDPs camps and settlements in the three target districts of Bosaso, Gardo and Garowe, it is being implemented by PSA in collaboration with UNHCR including the line ministry of MOWDAFA and the local communities for a period of one year.
The training was capacity building on gender based violence, psychosocial support and community engagement targeting focal points, PSA case workers. Regards the objectives of the training the facilitators gave an overview of PSA implementation projects emphasizing the activities of gender based violence and psychosocial support and the role of the participants of the project and their influential on the community. Training started according to the training agenda shared by facilitators with participants for guidance.
- To provide the participants with knowledge on GBV, psychosocial support and community engagement
- To train counseling skills and psychosocial first aid in emergency cases
The training started with a word of prayer and recitation of Quran from Said Hassan, he was followed by PSA’S program coordinator Abdihakim Ahmed who welcomed all the participants and outlined the training objectives and overview.
The participants were case workers, IDPs focal points, representative from MOWDAFA, MOI, Bosaso municipality (social affairs), legal aid and other invited guests.
Bosaso municipality representative thanked PSA for organizing such a training that will benefit many people to understand more about GBV, he said this kind of trainings helps in reducing GBV cases and stabilizing families.
The second to speak was representative from ministry of interior (MOI); he was grateful for the invitation and also thanked PSA for spearheading the GBV project and other activities that transform communities across the region; he promised that the ministry of interior will continue to work closely with PSA.
The chief guest for the day was representative of MOWDAFA, Shamis Mahad Bulxan, she officially opened the training and asked the participant to actively participate in the training and learn from it, she promised that the ministry will continue to give PSA all support in its operations and projects.
- Day one:
The training started with the holy Quran, opening remarks and welcoming note from the facilitators, it was followed by introduction session and establishing of the ground rules.
It was followed by Hawa who was the facilitator of the day, she asked the participants to about their expectation of the day and they were urged to participate freely and ask questions and raise any issue of concern.
The participants were reminded on the objective of the training and topics to be covered were fully outlined.
The main topic of the day was GBV and its sub titles, comprising GBV violence, objectives, types, principles and consequences. The participants actively participated though group discussion. The agenda of the day was concluded with summary of what was delivered, presented discussions and their responsibility on it.
Other topics covered were psychosocial support, Introduction of Psychosocial support and Psychosocial First AID, Counseling, counseling skills and principles of Counseling.
The objective was to educate and train the participants on the importance of psychosocial support to GBV survivors. The participants promised to apply what they learn in their day to day work and train other members of the community on the learned skills.
The facilitators summarize day one of the training by highlighting the shared experiences, noted recommendations, comments and challenges.
Day Two:
The facilitator open the session of the second day of training by taking the participants through the sets of gender based violence; they also learnt on sex verse gender, informed Consent, Human Rights, scope of the Problem, causes and contributing Factors
Understanding Consequences of GBV, impact on individuals and communities, identifying responses, framework for response, guiding Principles, consequences of sexual abuse or Violence for Children
In addition, the participants understood the consequences, tools for support, multi-sectoral response to GBV, minimum survivor services, mapping Community Services, introduction to Survivor-centred Communication Skills, Basic principles of providing assistance, confidentiality and consent.
In the afternoon the participants were taken through understanding their goals and roles; different interaction roles: conversation, counseling, assessment and interview, assessment vs. Assumption, protection and what can justice offer to survivors, practicing survivor-centred communication Skills.
Another topic was on gather model, practicing the gather model, survivor-centred, communication skills with children, rights of the child, informed consent and confidentiality with Children, Self-Care for Participants.
The sessions also included identifying different forms of stress; super stress busters, coping Mechanisms, developing a self-care plan, services for survivors, laws and Policies, confidentiality, human Rights.
The last section of the training for the day delved on explaining care and obtaining consent, the consent process, preparing the survivor for the examination, introduction to the medical examination, components of a medical history, documentation, components of the medical examination, injury Assessment and medical Conclusions, treatment guidelines, case studies, treatment for consequences of rape, treatment guidelines, psychosocial support for survivors, issues affecting the child survivor and medical Care.
- Training Design and Methodology
The training methodologies were participatory approach where the trainees enabled to collectively discuss in group work and presented their views during the training hence, other facilitation methods used were
The training contents were based on training documents and experience which conform to universal GBV context. Prior to the training, trainer consulted widely to get a common accord on the contents.
Through the process, the trainers used the interactive/participatory teaching approaches rather than lecture to stimulate the learning environment more participatory and active. This approach included participatory process and study circle, leading topics, brainstorming, icebreaker, quiz and group work exercises, followed by power-point presentations and discussion were used to elicit participants’ activeness in the training.
- Conclusion
In general there was a strong sense of appreciation articulated by the participants about being invited for the training. Participants were very engaged and enthusiastic about the GBV, they highlighted that most of perpetrators of violence against women are not aware that it is wrong violate women rights or the rights of anyone, they urged that future training on GBV and the linkage to protection and human right topics should conducted. Participants responded very positively throughout the training, and expressed a strong desire to enhance their skills in working with survivors of GBV and PSS.
The training was concluded and closed on the second day of the training, Mr. Abdihakim- Program coordinator thanked all the participants for their participation, he also thanked the facilitators for their facilitation, which was successful and satisfactory, he was followed by some of the participants who gave their concluding remarks, they promise that they will put into practice what they have learned diligently in their day to day lives and work.
The Workshop was officially closed by Shamis Mahad, who commended all the participants and those who facilitated the meeting for a well organized training, he reiterated that MOWDAFA will work closely with PSA to ensure the project is implemented successfully and it meets its objective.