PSA in partnership with UNICEF in 2019/2020 is implementing Provision of Interim Care and Reintegration Services for Children Associated with Armed Forces and Groups (CAAFAG) in Puntland.
Project’s goal is to assist children affected by the conflicts with temporary care and support to their reintegration.
The project covers four main activities as below:
Provide adequate care in reintegration structures and reunify former CAAFAG with their families: Profiling, provision of full accommodation, provision of psychosocial support (group/ individual counseling), medical care, recreational activities and referral
Enable former CAAFAG to return to school or increase their socio-economic security through appropriate reintegration measures and quality services: Vocational skill trainings, support of formal school fee, NFE (reading and writing) and arts classes
Provision of inclusive social rehabilitation and economic reintegration of children: Provide comprehensive case management, facilitate competitions & rewards, facilitate LSBE & cross cutting training, family tracing and reunification
Arrange Foster care: Prepare & arrange foster care (children’s parents or relatives), conduct final evaluation to decide those who meet fostering selection criteria, conduct handover ceremony upon fostering families (provision of certificates & rewards), follow up to fostering families, field visit to follow up with reunified children inside & outside Garowe.
being Eid days, we organized various events as part of celebrating the month of Ramadhan, part of the activities were sports events and art/drawing competition which included the children be presented with new clothes and shoes.
Also during the Eid day we conducted Eid ceremony attended by PSA staffs, MOWDAF, UNICEF and all the children’s in one of the ICC Centre, also the day after Eid we organized trips outside Garowe as part of picnic, we used the occasions to discuss with children on their ambitions and goals in life.