Independence Day is an annual commemoration celebrated every year on 26th of June. Somalia’s Independence Day is a day of great significance for the people of Somalia. On this day British Somaliland got its independence from Great Britain and four days later on 1st July 1960, the former Italian Somaliland got its Independence from Italy and on the same day on 1st July 1960, the British and Italian Somalia were united to form the Republic of Somalia.
Independence Day is a patriotic holiday for celebrating the positive aspects of the country, many leaders, politicians and general population appear at public events to show their support for the history, heritage and culture. Above all, it is the day to express and give thanks for the freedom and liberties fought by the fore-fathers in liberating themselves from the yokes of colonialism.
On 01th July 2019, it was Pomp and colour in Galkaiyo as hundreds of the residents turned up in numbers to celebrate Somalia Independence Day, the day was a public holiday and a day off for the general population, the event was characterized by hoisting Somalia flags in various places and many people displayed the Somali flag outside their homes and buildings.
In Galkaiyo, this year’s celebration was special and of its kind among the communities living in town and its environs, namely Galkaiyo South Community and the Galkaiyo North community in, the 59th Independence and unification was celebrated in the town through holding a week long festivities.
The celebration are always held with the objective of reminding the society groups, political leaders, religious scholars as well as the general community on the sacrifices made by the freedom fighters to win independence.
Also, the celebration was intended to bring different stakeholders and various groups together towards community empowerment on peace-building and stability by encouraging effective action plan of advancing and recognizing peace-building and conflict resolutions initiatives as crucial in the situation of Somalis particularly Galkaiyo district which consists of North controlled by Puntland and south Galkaiyo controlled by Galmudug state.
In 2019 Independence Day commemoration, CPD/PSA played part in its organization and celebration, which was a way of building rapport with our peace-building project stakeholders around Puntland & Galmudug, it also provided a perfect opportunity to create meaningful opportunities for peace-building by securing commitment of various individuals who attended the celebration.
For the mutual success of the project, CPD/PSA in collaboration with SSF supported the celebration through provision of refreshments and snacks to participants, which also comprised transportation, booking the venue, including supporting the event visibility by providing large size banners, fliers with information on 1st July Somali National holiday and its importance, we also hired the services of various media to cover the event.
The event took place in the Five Star Hotel hall in Galkaiyo city and was graced by high government officials, community representatives from both Galmudug and Puntland including governors, mayors, city councils, Somalia senators/Parliamentarians, women/youth, business-men, scholars, journalists, traditional leaders, the members of the civil society and hundreds of peace activist.
• Celebrate the event together with the Galkaiyo residents as a way to promote peace and unity by coming together and sharing platforms to interact. This promotes social values and helps fight conflicts and extremism.
• Give the older generation a platform and chance to narrate how the country got Independence and share their experience and struggles.
• Build Community connections, trust and relationships for both North and South Galkaiyo
• Convene a unique platform that brings together Galkaiyo North & south in their diversity to share and reflect on their struggle to achieve peace full environment.